22 Sep

But since all this is already helping businesses worldwide, we're going to give you some tips on what's new on Twitter in 2020 so you don't miss out and always stay one step ahead.
Let's talk about restrictionsFor starters, Twitter has, for some time now, allowed users to restrict comments on posts. It's a way to reduce targeted harassment and toxic comments, which will make users' experience on the network more enjoyable.
And while this option is currently offered globally, it is true that it has caused discontent among some, as it can encourage fake news, which, thanks to the quick reaction of many to such a news item, could be almost instantly disproved.
Now, if we focus on how this option impacts your business account, we could highlight that it is undoubtedly of great value to your community, as your customers will feel more protected when conversing with you and, in addition, you will be able to hide spam comments that other users or bots write in your tweets. In this way, communication to and from your audience can be curated and you will be able to converse more directly with them.
More exclusivity for news, but with IG featuresIn 2020, Twitter will become even more of a news site, as it currently has 71% of news-focused users. Twitter is second only to Reddit and ahead of Facebook and Youtube - put some focus on what's going on in the world!
Even if the platform seeks to maintain its news focus, its business trend is certainly not abandoning it, but rather reinforcing it. We are talking more precisely about Spotlights or promoted trends: the power of video in the premium section. It is a paid version that supports 6-second videos and GIFs, as well as still images from the Twitter mobile app.
This will always appear at the top. It's currently in the US, UK and Japan, but will be rolled out to other countries, including Spain and Mexico. It's a great way to get attention, to recognise and differentiate your brand, and also to start conversations with customers. It has been shown that more time is spent on Spotlight than on other Twitter advertising mechanisms.
Vintage is still in fashionOn the one hand, users are stuck in the days when tweets were only 140 characters long, and although it is now possible to post many more, it seems that the shorter the better. Follow that line. The shorter, informative and quality, the better!
On the other hand, even if Twitter doesn't seem like the platform for it, don't forget to use video! Most consumers prefer to see video content from a brand or business they follow. Videos are more engaging and make users interact with the brand. Video is probably the future of Twitter. We can't forget that Twitter was a pioneer in acquiring start-up Periscope in 2015, which allowed users to share live video from their mobile phones; this means that live content on Twitter is also continuing to grow.
So you know, tweet regularly - if possible, with interesting multimedia content and trending hashtags - interact with others on Twitter and build a community with experts and customers to get your brand name out there.
Are you already using Twitter and following a good strategy or are you considering it? Tell me in the comments section how your company is doing on Twitter!

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