22 Sep

Various tools are required in the construction sector, including hand tools, power tools and cutting tools. In order to ensure the well-being of the workers who handle them, it is necessary that they are fitted with safety devices where appropriate, and that they are used properly.
According to the provisions of article 184 of the Labour Code, says Mauricio Díaz Apey, an engineer and Master in Prevention, the employer has the duty to take care of the worker.
Specifically, this regulation establishes, among other obligations, that "the employer shall be obliged to take all necessary measures to effectively protect the life and health of workers, informing them of possible risks and maintaining adequate conditions of hygiene and safety at work, as well as the necessary equipment to prevent accidents and occupational diseases".
By virtue of the above, the professional indicates, the tools used by workers in the construction sector - and industry in general - must be safe and ergonomic.
Secondly, the specialist adds, the company must comply with Law 16.744, in particular with DS40, which refers to the obligation to inform, provide a correct working method and, therefore, tools in good condition.
For example, article 21 states that "employers have the obligation to inform all their workers in a timely and appropriate manner about the risks involved in their work, the preventive measures and the correct working methods. The risks are those inherent to the activity of each enterprise...". Article 22, for its part, indicates that "employers must maintain the equipment and devices technically necessary to reduce to minimum levels the risks that may occur in the workplace".
Díaz Apey emphasises that "the same DS40 obliges the employer to provide the correct working methods and control measures to avoid accidents and illnesses, which is related to the Minsal protocols regarding noise and vibrations among others".
How to choose tools?
In the case of hand tools, they should be of good quality, robust and durable; their handles should be smooth and without sharp edges; and they should be specially designed for the work to be done.
As stated by the Chilean Safety Association in its public prevention documents, in many trades, workers must use hand tools individually and for them to work they only require that the person uses their hands and strength to operate them. However, extreme care must be taken when working with them on a daily basis.
In this sense, bad practices such as using tools for purposes other than their original purpose, using force and movement towards the body, using tools in poor condition (dirty, with missing parts, lack of maintenance, etc.), overexerting oneself when using them, operating tools without authorisation or handling them without personal protective equipment (PPE), to mention a few risky situations, should be avoided.
The use of cutting tools, such as knives, razors, chisels and saws, among others, also entails risks of accidents, so prevention is key. In addition to choosing the right tool for the function to be performed, which must be in good condition, the type, hardness and dimensions of the material to be worked with must also be taken into account. Nowadays, there are suppliers that offer very good quality products with safety devices to enhance this concept.
It is important that workers are trained on the manufacturer's instructions on the correct use of the tool, including how to inspect and maintain them. They should be checked periodically in companies by specialised personnel. Maintenance is also essential. As far as cutting tools are concerned, they must be fitted with protectors to avoid injuries due to accidental contact, and they must be stored in suitable places, protected from possible falls or impacts that could damage them, and away from high areas or areas where many people circulate.
Finally, the use of power tools also requires preventive measures. As the Mutual de Seguridad de la Cámara Chilena de la Construcción indicates in its public documents, "injuries that occur with power tools generally occur due to improper use or the use of defective tools, resulting in serious injuries to the worker, ranging from wounds to fractures, amputations, eye injuries and electric shock".
To ensure the safety of workers in this area, it is necessary to use tools that are in good condition, grounded and connected to circuits with sufficient capacity.
In addition, the handling of any power tools should be limited to authorised, trained and qualified personnel; and all electrical equipment should be inspected for condition and use (appropriate for the job, properly insulated).
It is important to wear PPE according to the category of risk to which you are exposed: goggles or safety glasses, gloves, shoes and safety helmet.

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