23 Feb

Try several methods to help you understand and decide which ones suit you best. Varying the methods also means learning with more pleasure, and giving yourself every chance of success.
Some reminders of the best learning methods:
Read the information and take notes, make index cardsTranscribing by yourself on blank paperCreate flash cardsMind Mapping: to understand and retain information in a sustainable wayPareto's law: selecting the essential to rememberThe SEL (Sens-Enfance-Lien) method: learning while having fun, inventing stories to make it easier to rememberThe SAC (Selection, Association, Connection) methodAlternate regularly between work time and relaxation breaks for better concentration and optimal learning conditionsSpacing out revision times for lasting memorizationUse all your senses for good memorisationWork in groups to discuss learning togetherTest yourself, check your knowledgeUse your memory well: put your memory into action as often as possible: understanding, memorising, reactivating and anchoringAsk yourself lots of questions in order to reflect on the answers by getting information in a different way4. Multiply the resources of help
Enrich your learning by getting information in different ways:
Seek additional informationAsk teachers for helpSearch for documents or books in the libraryAsk questions of people you knowWorking in a group of students to exchange informationDivide your revisions into sequences of 30 to 50 minutes maximum. Take a break between each work sequence and get some fresh airLearn to know the limit of your concentration and recognise when you are exhausted. Don't fight fatigueTo revise effectively, you need to spend time where it is really neededCreate a revision schedule to help you organise yourself and define your work by month, week and day. You will save a lot of time and stressTaking breaks is just as important as concentrating on your revision. The brain responds better when you take a short break every hourStudy at times when you are more efficient, you will memorise much fasterDon't study at the last minute. This is inefficient"Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do todayHave a healthy lifestyle: eat well, drink water, sleep well, and exercise, and to stay calm: breathe, and relax

GCSE Maths Revision Course

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