01 Apr

No expensive masks or rituals. These easy habits will change your skin considerably, in less time than you think!
Over time, we've been led to believe that to have beautiful skin, we need to follow a routine of thousands of steps and have the best gadgets at home. The truth is, no product is magic and everything in life needs consistency, especially when it comes to facial habits.
So how can we achieve the skin of our dreams without so much? There are 5 key steps to help you achieve it, which we'll reveal below, and which are more about adapting them to our lifestyle, rather than seeing them as a boring routine.
Find out what they are and start practising them today! skin hq solihull
5 STEPS TO BEAUTIFUL SKIN1. Use sunscreenApply sunscreen EVERY day, even when you're at home and not a bit of light touches your skin, it's a rule! Its formula creates a barrier against UV damage that accelerates skin oxidation, pigments the skin and degrades collagen fibres, you can't stop using it!
Put it on daily, after your moisturiser (also a must) and touch it up every 3 to 4 hours, which is when its protective effect wears off.
Another tip? Go for formulas that are mineral-based and have a Protection Factor over 30.
Unsplash.com2. Consume and apply antioxidantsTo achieve juicy, firm, even-toned and even-textured skin for longer, you need to include antioxidant-rich foods in your daily diet, such as berries, leafy greens, citrus fruits, matcha tea and more.
It is also important to apply antioxidants topically through cosmetic products, as both habits fight free radicals from within and in the layers of the skin, unlike sunscreen which is only a barrier.
View gallery: Foods with more vitamins
3. Drink water!Drinking enough water throughout the day allows cells to work properly, improves metabolic activity and purifies the body's organs, such as the skin. If you skip this important habit, you will notice that your face starts to look dull, dry, with creases or marked texture and much weaker in its barrier function. Be careful!
The secret to beautiful skin always includes water, and to find out how much you should drink, just divide your weight in kilos by 7 and the result will indicate the number of glasses you should drink per day.
Listen carefully: DO NOT sweeten your water. Sugar inflames and affects the quality of collagen in the skin.
pexels.com4. Always remove make-up and cleanse your face!Going to bed with a dirty face or starting your day with impurities in your pores is a lethal weapon for beautiful skin! Bacteria build-up causes inflammation, acne, fungus and annoying infections, plus clogged skin can't regenerate as well. The best thing to do is to use a micellar water pad in the morning, wash your face and repeat in the evening with a powerful make-up remover.
5. Get plenty of restExperts have told us time and time again: the night is the time when the skin regenerates and we need to give it time! We recommend getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep (which does not include short afternoon naps) and having a regular schedule so that your body gets used to a regular rhythm.
If you want to boost the effect that sleep has on your face, apply a sleeping mask to wake up with the most beautiful skin ever - it'll be a boost to your routine!
Getting enough sleep is the ultimate way to reduce puffiness and dark circles. The eye contours you apply afterwards will only improve the appearance.
These are the 5 basic steps you can take to have beautiful skin at home and on a day-to-day basis, but if you want to tackle a specific problem, it is essential to see a dermatologist.
It is also advisable to use treatments to further improve the appearance of your face, such as microneedling, peels, botulinum toxin or stem cell injections. Before you choose one, consult an expert to determine which is best for you.
You'll find that all of these tips together will leave you with the complexion you've always wanted!

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