13 Oct

What are the Akashic Records? This is a very common question that many people ask, especially those interested in Hindu and Eastern culture.
To understand what the Akashic records are, then, one must take a journey through the history of these regions and their philosophy of life. Without a proper openness to the credibility of other possible realities, cultures and religions, there is no point in trying to understand what it is all about.
The Akashic Records are referred to in the jargon as "a universal memory of existence", amusingly similar to what would be a "Cosmic Internet", and represent a multidimensional space in which all soul experiences are housed including all knowledge and experiences of past lives, present life and future potentialities.
Specialists who know how to read Akashic records claim that this energy system contains:
All the potentialities that the "Soul" possesses for its evolution in this life,The true raison d'être of each person, and the meaning of existence,All the lessons to be learnt and lessons to be learned, andThe answers to the great questions and curiosities of his life.Another way of defining these records is as the light body of universal self-awareness or the unobservable and omnipresent cosmic matrix. There is a great psychological background behind this form of life reading, where specialised therapists acquire the ability to provide the patient with a map of his or her records.
The adjective akashic comes from "Akaśa", a term existing in the ancient Sanskrit language of India, meaning 'ether', space or cosmic energy that permeates the entire universe and is the subtle vehicle that carries sound, light and information, the constituent bases of energy and Life. India is characterised by many legends, customs and traditions that claim that the state of wholeness is within the individual, and that self-knowledge is the way to achieve that inner peace.
The same is true of the seven chakras, represented by different colours and arranged throughout the human body, with the spine as the common thread. Their reading and the discernment of their current state is a tool that many people use to their advantage in order to be better, to unblock bad thoughts or stagnant negative feelings.
In fact, the Akashic Records are nothing new. They have been recognised by all great civilisations. In Egypt they are known as the "Tablets of Thoth", in the Western Catholic Bible as the "Book of Life", in Islam as the "Eternal Tablet" and the great Mayan empires call them the "Psi Bank".
The path of exploration of the Akashic records is very interesting to know. First there is the formless divine source, the origin of creation. From there arises the first crystallisation of spirit, the ether, the Akash or primordial substance, which are the Records.
Akasha, according to legends and traditions, is all that has been and all that is and will be. From there one can be born into different soul realities to have experiences that facilitate evolution, the learning of consciousness.
In essence it is a very fine substance that bathes the universe, in which all thoughts, all words uttered, emotions felt and actions committed by people throughout the ages are collected. It exists for the individual, planetary and universal plane with different vibrational frequencies.
The most common and most practical information that experts can provide about the Records is that which helps people to understand themselves a little better, that which allows them to evolve and become aware of why certain things happen, why certain patterns are repeated in the individualities of all lives.
The reading of the Akashic Records is not a method of divination of the future as many people consider and thus underestimate the discipline, for as the guides and custodians of the Akashic Records themselves "tell the future", there is a wide range of possibilities, the information received in a common session is meant to cooperate in a process that allows us to advance and evolve.
The function of the guides is not to tell you what to do, but to guide you to understand the things that happen and to overcome them more easily and with as little suffering as possible.
In conclusion, there are many therapists who do a reading of the Akashic records, and each one offers different techniques to implement the procedure and provide the information.
It is up to each person, then, to be encouraged to discover some components of their past history, their experiences, links and outcomes in the present, and solar revolutions into their future. For those seeking to learn more about the subject, there are portals to spiritual guides, Indian rituals and other sources of basic information to explore and discover much more.
There are different techniques for feeling better and the choice is very subjective: it depends on the individual. There are no ready-made recipes for ways to overcome problems or to achieve a good bond with oneself.

akashic records meditation

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